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5 Ways to Fight Chronic Inflammation

Jan 07,2019

Inflammation is essential to your body’s natural healing process. However, when low-grade inflammation is unmanaged, it can become a serious issue. Unchecked inflammation isn’t always easy to detect. Likewise, it’s difficult to determine what is causing the inflammation. However, lifestyle choices play a significant role in inflammation levels which is why we’ve put together five tips to help you clean up your lifestyle and support healthy inflammation.

Step Away From Sugar

Regularly consuming sugary foods and drinks is linked to chronic inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more. Sugar and artificial sweeteners go by many different names, some you may not easily recognize, which is why it’s more important than ever to read labels! But the best way to dramatically reduce your sugar intake is to avoid eating processed and pre-packaged foods.

to chronic inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more. Sugar and artificial sweeteners go by many different names, some you may not easily recognize, which is why it’s more important than ever to read labels! But the best way to dramatically reduce your sugar intake is to avoid eating processed and pre-packaged foods.

Fill Up on Good Stuff

If you’ve been living off convenience foods and takeout you are setting the stage for chronic inflammation. But knowing which diet is best isn’t as simple as it should be. The most straightforward answer to “what should I eat” is found in the perimeter of the grocery store. Stick to fresh fruits, vegetables, wild-caught cold water fish like salmon and cod, whole grains and healthy fats. Limit nutrient-deficient foods like refined grains, fried foods and anything with artificial food additives.

Drink plenty of water

Drink Up!

If you wait until you’re thirsty to drink water, you’re probably already experiencing some amount dehydration. Approximately 50-60% of your body is made up of water so even mild dehydration can have a profound impact on your health if you are chronically dehydrated. Aim to drink at least one liter of pure water every day. If you drink coffee, soda or alcohol, be extra mindful of your intake as these beverages can cause even more fluid loss.

Move Your Body

Sitting for long periods can take a toll on your health – even if you are an otherwise active person. The longer you stay in a fixed position, the more likely you are to experience muscle fatigue and aches due to the decreased blood supply to your muscles. Inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle is also linked to poor heart health, increased inflammation, excess weight and decreased immune function. If you work at a desk or otherwise find yourself sitting for long stretches throughout the day, break it up by performing stretches, going on a short walk or performing simple bodyweight exercises to get your blood flowing.

Find Time to Unwind

Unmanaged or chronic stress can throw your entire body out of whack. Prolonged physical, mental or emotional stress can alter your body’s ability to regulate stress hormones like cortisol which plays a role in immune and inflammation responses. To help avoid excess stress, make time for self-care and relaxation. This doesn’t mean sitting in front of the TV or computer screen; instead, go for a walk in nature, practice deep breathing or just sit in silence. Find whatever activity completely relaxes you and do it daily!

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