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Have You Found the Power of Your Purpose?

May 01,2019

I wholeheartedly believe that everyone –at any age– is living with more opportunity to express their purpose, potential, destiny, and legacy. Do you have the vision for the purpose that is driving your life? 

You have a unique purpose, even if it’s beyond your comfort zone. So many people allow their comfort zones to limit their potential, purpose, and power – which can alter your destiny and legacy. 

Are the circumstances of your life dictating your vision? Is your obsession in life dealing with the visible and material evidence of life, or the invisible and immaterial circumstance of vision?  That obsession can lead you to a whole new way of living! 

When I think of purpose and good works I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 9:8:

“And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable giving!”

I’ll never forget something Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. said while recording a recent podcast episode. He said one of his favorite places in the world is the hospital, the place where babies are born. The warmth and empathy in his voice as he expressed the awe he feels when he sees the eyes of those babies as they begin their search for things to support their potential and purpose in life. Yes, every baby has awesome potential to change someone’s world. Dr. Helmstetter’s episodes were released on [TVBLOGCOPY]April 1st [/TVBLOGCOPY][MWSBLOGCOPY]April 1st[/MWSBLOGCOPY]and another on [TVBLOGCOPY]May 1st[/TVBLOGCOPY][MWSBLOGCOPY]May 1st[/MWSBLOGCOPY], so don’t miss those!

I am equally in awe of the person who at any age recognizes that purpose has such incredible power in their life, and the need for wellness to support that purpose.  My new book, The 10 Habits of Wellness will give insight and plenty of science to support how lifestyle choices impact wellness! It is not merely the absence of disease or the management of disease. Wellness is having the vitality and energy to do the things we love and are purposed to do; to have daily positive emotions of love, forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance; having a relationship with God knowing His purpose for your life. That is an amazing life to live!

When this connection of wellness and the vision of purpose becomes real in our lives, it impacts every decision we make that affects our health and well-being. Then the choices about which foods we eat, the need for targeted nutrition (like what we offer at TriVita), the exercise, the forgiveness, the gratitude — all these choices become so much easier to make.  We are no longer controlled by feelings but by the deepest passionate belief in our purpose and the need for abundant wellness! Again, I invite you to recognize, even if your vision and purpose may not have the scale to change the world, it can change someone’s world!

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