What is Human Trafficking?
This insidious multi-billion dollar business is sending shockwaves across newsrooms and social media platforms worldwide. Human trafficking. It may be a term you’ve heard before, but the dark reality of life as a victim of human trafficking is beyond comprehension.
House Of Giving’s Mission To Help Human Trafficking Survivors
At House of Giving we believe every life matters to God. Every human as the right to a life of purpose and hope, emotional and spiritual wellness. That’s why House of Giving has joined the Phoenix Dream Center to aid in restoring dignity and inspiring hope to victims of human trafficking.
This holiday season inspires us to give thanks and give generously. Please come alongside us in supporting these survivors and receiving God’s blessings as we share his kindness!
For the months of November and December, TriVita will be matching all donations to the House of Giving. Make a difference and donate today!
100% of your tax-deductible donation
goes directly to the cause!